Crown Harbor Homeowner Association
Meeting Minutes
June 5, 2013 Neighboring Property
The City of Alameda is preparing an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Neptune Beach Project.
The City of Alameda held a Public Scoping Meeting to receive comments to help the City refine the scope and content of the EIR at
Alameda City Hall, 2263 Santa Clara, City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, beginning at 7:00 pm.
The Crown Harbor turnout was low.
Counting Board Members, it was only 10% of our units.
Very few members of the public commented (other than Parks people).
Though this is not one of the options, most speakers wanted it to be open space/park.
Speakers did not seem to be aware of the other housing density options floating around out there.
For example Homes and the Sierra Club might go after the EIR because the housing density is low.
We had good pre-meeting with the developers.
They talked over the letter Crown Harbor had sent to the Planning Board.
The storm drainage (not sewer) is their big issue. (They also have the McKay St issue.) They are going to have their engineers try to help us get the formal docs.
The GSA (General Services Administration) still has title to the land which means they still have the main interest in our easement for sale purposes.
The main manager for the project mentioned that since the GSA still owns the property, they likely would be the ones who would initiate litigation regarding the easements.
The egress issue was easily settled.
They agreed that they could get by without accessing our property, with the possible exception of a locked emergency gate (wrought iron).
That might even be a plus for us to have a secondary security site.
They will move the fence.
Their reasons are hard to argue with.
As a private property, the fence line would eventually establish a permanent easement.
Of course the Government was exempt.
There will be a bike and pedestrian path exiting on the southern end of the property onto the Parks property not on to ours.
The three story units would be moved back from our property line.
They fully support the landscaping improvements. Tim Meeks had indicated that on day 1 of our meetings.
There have been places in this process that we could have attacked this process.
The rezoning being one.
In my environmental political days I led several such attacks successfully.
To do so would require a tremendous amount of energy on our part.
So far I have not seen that energy on this issue.
So things will drag out and likely not be resolved before the end of the current Board term.
Delay is likely the purpose of the suits.
Sometimes delays mean you win.
The next thing might be a residents meeting with Tim Lewis reps and/or Parks here at Crown Harbor.
Dave Eck