Processes are in place for routine and delinquent processing of regular monthly dues and special assessments.
Monthly Dues Processing
Dues are processed accordingly:
- Monthly dues are due on the 1st of each month.
- A $25 late fee is assessed for dues payments received after 15th of the month.
Assessment Processing
- Assessments are due by December 31.
An assessment is not considered delinquent until it is 15 days late.
For tax purposes, this allows owners to execute financial transactions after January 1 and still make their assessment payments on time.
- Making partial payments during the year is permissible as long as the full assessment amount has been paid by the due date.
Delinquent Dues and Assessment Processing
- Owners with delinquent dues of 2 months (or more) are invited to an executive session with the Board to work out a plan to get dues current.
- Delinquent dues of three months (or more) are placed into collections.
- A pre-lien process begins 30 days after delinquent dues have been placed into collections.
- Two weeks after the start of the pre-lien process, the Board approves a motion to file a lien (Notice of Delinquent Assessment).
- A Notice of Delinquent Assessment is filed 30 days after the pre-lien process.
- A more formal process (foreclosure or court) begins with delinquent dues of one year or $1,800 — whichever is larger.
- A Notice of Default and Election to Sell is filed 30 days after the Notice of Delinquent Assessment.
- A Notice of Sale is filed 90 days after the Notice of Default and Election to Sell.
- The property is sold to Crown Harbor Association 21 days after the Notice of Sale.
- The delinquent owners have 90 days after the sale to redeem the property.
- The delinquent owners are evicted at the end of the 90 day redemption period.
- Crown Harbor Association sells the property to recoup its losses and pays any other outstanding creditors with the net proceeds (if any remain) going to the owner.
- If the amount owed (apart from fees and penalties) is less than or equal to $5,000, the matter is addressed in Small Claims Court.
- Amounts greater than $5,000 are addressed in unlimited Civil Court.
- The Association seeks a judgement to compel payment of monies owed (including additional fees, penalties, and court costs).
- In the event the judgement is granted but ignored, the Association seeks an owner asset examination appointed by the court.
- The net result of this process is voluntary payment or garnishment of income.