Email from Transportation Coordinator Gail Payne
Monday, June 8, 2015
The preferred option for the majority of the study area, including by Crown Harbor, is Class II bike lanes similar to Broadway between Otis Drive and Central Avenue. Broadway also is Caltrans right-of-way — State Route 61 — as well as a truck route and a bus route. Your Crown Harbor project web page shows this approach as Option A — so it is not a cycle track similar to the Shoreline bikeway.
To view the preferred options for the entire study area, please refer to the Central Avenue project web page under the "Town Hall" tab and the June 4, 2015 meeting: [See Segment 4 for Crown Drive to McKay Street.]
Thank you for your input.
Gail Payne
Gail Payne, Transportation Coordinator
City of Alameda Public Works Dept
510-747-7948 — —