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Crown Harbor Homeowner Association

Meeting Summary

September 16, 2016
Neighboring Property

EBRPD Dave Eck met attended a public meeting regarding expansion of Crab Cove.

Date: September 16, 2016

Landscaping Committee:

  • I went to the meeting/tour over at Crown Beach.
  • Just a brief summary of what information was put out to the relatively small group. It was a small enough group that we could mingle.
  • I had several good conversations with Doug Siden, our rep on EBRP; Frank Matarrese, Alameda City Vice Mayor; and the project manager for the site.
  • The project map was presented. There was not much new, but they added some picnic areas near us and a small amphitheater near the cove. I looked on the web for their map, but it is still showing the old one.
  • Their current map still showed the old property line as the boundary line. Of course, our own professional survey shows that is off by about 18 ft. Of course, we like that. I do think as they move on with the professional design, some professional architect or landscape designer might pick up the error. I did not say anything to any of the three decision makers. So we shall see what happens. I know that Doug Siden is aware of the error, but did not say anything.
  • According to the project manager, their highest priority will be getting rid of the two Federal building across from the visitors center. They are contaminated with black mold and asbestos and will require a hazmat plan prior to demolition. They expect to have that this coming spring and will start work. Those buildings will make way for the bus drop off and new parking lot near the visitors center.
  • The other building directly across from 576 Queens will not be torn down at that time. They will be doing another hazmat review and hope to save that for an office building. They show some parking for that facility. They did not mention a possible date for removal of the ugly parking lots. We might need to prod them on doing that as the same time as the building demolition.
  • When I asked them about that area, they did say they were going to do some landscape screening along the property line. I think when they do that we could coordinate our own screening effort with theirs.
  • When asked about public comment and participation in the process, they indicated that when the get a better rendition of a plan the appropriate public hearings by EBRP will take place. So we will all get a shot at comments.

So all in all a lovely productive day by the Bay!

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